Are you familiar with the Nantucket Project, which takes place on island in the fall? here is a link to their website to learn more about past events and experiences and a little bit of what they have in store for this year: It’s fascinating to see how the Nantucket Project has evolved from its previous focus on exploring the possibilities of another world to this year’s concept of “ONE.” In attending last year’s sessions it had a significant impact on my perspective, expanding my horizons and perhaps prompting deeper thoughts about interconnectedness and unity.
The concept of “ONE” can encompass a wide range of topics and ideas, depending on the speakers and presenters involved. It might delve into themes like unity among diverse communities, the interconnectedness of humanity, the power of collective action, or even the importance of individual actions in shaping a better world. It’s natural to feel intrigued about what this year’s event will bring, as it seems like a thought-provoking and potentially transformative experience.

As you engage with the various speakers and presentations throughout the event, you can reflect on how the concept of “ONE” resonates with your own beliefs, values, and experiences. It’s a chance to gain new insights, connect with like-minded individuals, and perhaps even discover ways to contribute to a more unified and harmonious world. Enjoy your time at the Nantucket Project, and I hope you find inspiration and meaningful discussions in the sessions to come. Below is what I wrote in response to last year’s concept, curious to hear feedback from those lucky enough to attend this year’s events:
QUESTION: Another world is possible-do you believe that to be true, why or why not?
There are something like 100 billion galaxies. The Pentagon recently admitted UFO videos are real and cannot explain them. Only approximately 10% of the ocean has been explored, yet they thought they just found a 50 foot superpredator megalodon on a radar off of New England. Some innovative schools, where you can choose your own major/destiny, have majors involving various types of snow and ice because there are different worlds that live within and among the different environments yet to be explored. There have already been many worlds in existence and functioned for millions of years. The idea of Jurassic Park, a Dinosaur world, would change how we would function or exist as humans. So multiple worlds are already in existence and we know there are more yet to be discovered. Plus, we have evidence that it is a process in motion, space, time and various continuums are at play.

Nantucket, already being 30 miles out to sea, is in many ways, its own world. One might begin to see the differences in politics, many languages and countries are represented, but different currents of worlds are simultaneously in motion. We know that there are cultural lenses that create a layer or in and of itself a complexity or a new world. I know that various cultural groups come here, explore, find jobs, start families and bring more family and friends from their home countries and create a new world. The question is also about divided or collaborative worlds. There are so many Bulgarians on the island for instance, I heard that there was a ballot box in existence here and we have so many Olympians in residence that we could almost create an Olympic village.

The store Town Pool even created their own world in a way by creating a topsy turvy world, where one is feeling the sensation of life from an upside down perspective and I have a map from my travels to New Zealand that shows the view of the world from their perspective-on top. Pictures, mirrors, videos, drones, Ghost stories are all blurring reality or giving accurate portrayals, but then, that begs the question of what does the definition of world mean within oneself?
Psychology, philosophy, and different subject areas can be viewed or experienced in separate silos. Silos can be considered as a different world, it’s kind of how one captures or views the definition of “What is a world?” Every heart has its own story. The dream world can come to life. The new upcoming metaverse is a subject that is newly being explored as to what happens in that world, is it felt in what we refer to as our world? A case came up in the NY Times, I believe that stated that a woman felt violated in the virtual reality world and what course of action can occur as a result, it’s obviously felt in the “regular world” by her, too, but how, why and why not?

The idea of every story has more than 2 sides to it and how it’s hard to get an accurate news story without bias and how the bias is a lense to the world. There is “herstory” versus “history”, not to mention “theirstory” and beyond. There are virtual worlds with avatars, Sims World and Sims city for examples and the gaming world is a whole new world. The world is different from the eyes of a pet or a baby. Lighting plays a part. We can sometimes have temporary worlds while living in a play, dressing up in disguises, living in what we think another’s lives would be or perhaps under the influence of psilocybin one could be on another plane or tap into a different area of creativity of part of one’s brain. Even various lenses that are discussed there are moving cameras, drones, newer cameras with more cameras showing depth and there can still be a fear of the narrative or the group think that can occur.

We can travel to different parts of the world that we can refer to a world away or a whole new world. With technology and connectivity, we can travel easily with new inventions or feel so connected on our couch and within our own homes. It’s connecting those who cannot afford the high ticket prices and connect the far way with FaceTime and zoom. Is it a fake world, a new world or a new reality when we are seeing places, people and objects with filters and make-up and lighting techniques. Covid changed the world and to a new world in many senses. Music and art arose in a type of Bohemian and Rennaisical uprising. It was a way to meet distant neighbors that you probably wouldn’t meet as you shuffled on the streets of NYC, but now with shadow puppets and distant dance parties on rooftops, people united and got outside to clap for the healthcare workers.
I met these music producers who scoured the world collecting sounds and found upclose sounds of a camel to create a new sound to transform with a synthesizer and new dance moves accompany it and a new way of being is born. Some of the sounds we hear from NASA now are clearly out of this world so where is it coming from if not another world? Migrant villages, tents and camping, Temporary housing, Ancient cities, Wax models, Miniature villages, Playing with toys, Barbie movie, Escapism are all examples of different worlds. Is a temporary world a world determined by time? A friend of mine works for the network of Micronesia, where they are trying to form a new country and alliances for the countries that will lose land mass to water, where will the people flee to? What jurisdiction are they in?

Another amazing aspect of living on Nantucket especially during Covid was we were able to go into the natural world on nature hikes and have forest bathing to escape what the rest of the world was experiencing all on our own isolated world. The plant world is its own place. Flora and fauna like in NZ all the culmination of the tropical and evergreens in one spot is fascinating. On a nature program that I recently watched it that showed a whole microcosm world on the saliva and other stuff on a sloth’s fur that could possibly even be the clue/key for cancer and other ailments. Medically we can change one’s world or a family’s life for instance, by building a new arm or go internally into the body that is a world many of us never see first-hand. They can build eyesight and change a person’s world and without eyesight they live in the existence of a world that not many individuals can understand. In working for the American Inventor show as a guest judge the inventors only had to change their invention by less than 10% to become their own so I imagine with adaptations and evolutions and changes that new worlds can develop and change and transform. This topic is so fascinating and curious to explore it further with the lead users of the world.